How to get the most out of your writing: Our top content creation tips

Check out our top content creation tips to increase the visibility of your blog and diversify the creativity of your content with ease.
July 1, 2021


The internet. It's a worldwide publishing platform, brimming with content, all fighting for our attention. Make sure your blog stands out with a carefully crafted balancing act of a number of key implementations to get in front of the masses. So read on and discover our top content creation tips.

Find your voice

Effective blog writing is vital in growing your online brand, persona or business as it acts as your personal voice to your audience. Before the initial blog topic research even begins, take the time to consider how you reach out to your readers. How you curate and compose your personality will allow you to find your voice. Even in written content, a uniform tone throughout is an integral step in creating your brand and building a relationship with your audience.

Producing a unique piece of content can be a struggle and the temptation to jump on the treading train is always there when coming up with content ideas. An initial brainstorming session can be fundamental to opening your mind and ultimately producing ideas for alternate blog topics.


Shout it louder for those at the back! One of our biggest content creation tips is to invest time in initial SEO (search engine optimization) research. If your blog isn't properly optimized for SEO, then you might well be missing out on a huge advantage. Love it or hate it, getting a head start on understanding SEO and poignant keywords to include in your copy, is essential to climbing up the sought after Google search rankings. The potential benefits from adding metadata and tags linking to previous content, as well as allowing your content to be shared across social media, are widespread.

Variation is the spice of life

One content creation tip that can often be overlooked is to keep it diverse! From long-form content and interviews to lists and infographics, producing a wide variety of content will keep your audience active and engaged as well as boost your SERP (search engine results page) rankings. Maintaining variation in your content will additionally boost your creativity and help you when the writer's block hits!

Speech-to-text technology

Whether it's taking notes on the go or transcribing an interview, Trint is able to take the headache out of your workload. Utilizing AI speech-to-text technology, you can take the traditionally long-winded task of transcribing and optimize your written content in a few simple steps. You are also able to highlight key quotes that you can then publish directly into your platform.

Taking the next step

Great, you've got your content - now to get it out to the masses. Social Media is a clear front runner when it comes to marketing tools, with numerous platforms offering free exposure opportunities in multimedia formats. Each platform boasts its own unique marketing opportunities and depending on how far down the content creation rabbit hole you are, you will eventually discover the ideal platform for your type of content.

Repurposing Content

Is your blog content non-time-sensitive? Remember, it can always be republished in the future. Perfect for those instances when you feel managing a regular publishing routine is tricky! As and when you wish to expand your content bibliography, existing written content can always be repurposed into various other media. Video, audio and even email newsletters are all popular forms of breathing new life into existing content. Repurposing content does not necessarily mean that you are repeating your previous blogs, you are simply opening up your content and diversifying your audience reach. 

But our ultimate content creation tip, where ever you are on your content creation journey, is adding Trint to your workflow and you'll discover how voice to text technology can aid your creative journey.


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