Casos de clientes: empresa de relaciones públicas de Nueva York

Discover how a New York City and Washington based public affairs firm is using Trint to collaborate more efficiently and turn around content at a quicker pace.
October 9, 2023

If you’re curious how Trint can help improve your content workflows, hear how a New York City and Washington based public affairs firm is using Trint to rapidly turn interviews into messaging, profiles and speeches for their clients. 

Jasmine H, the firm’s Deputy Chief Operating Officer, explained how Trint acts as a great central location for team members to collaborate in when working from different locations or traveling. Colleagues can easily review transcripts from interviews they couldn’t attend and playback what a client had to say. Then feed back to their team within Trint to suggest quotes to use and help ensure they can respond to clients on projects quickly and effectively.

“Working in this hybrid model where people aren’t in the same office, it's super helpful to have a collaborative space to make notes on transcriptions and help us get back to client’s in a timely manner.” 

Watch the three-minute customer story above to hear from Jasmine in her own words. Alternatively playback Trint and read along with the transcript by viewing this example read-only link. Or if you’d like to try Trint yourself, start a 7-day free trial today.


Video Transcript

[00:00:07] Jasmine: So what we do at our firm is a little bit of everything. We do some political consulting, we do corporate and nonprofit public affairs work. We do advocacy work. 

[00:00:19] Jasmine: So we do in-depth interview with our, interviews with our clients to understand what their ideas are. And so we use Trint to help transcribe those interviews so we don't miss any of those great phrases or examples of stories that they provided us when we're helping kind of craft messaging to bring their stories and backgrounds to life. 

[00:00:45] Jasmine: If anything, it's really helped us with the ability to turn around content and do the mean of our jobs more efficiently and at a quicker pace. So they'll go in there and they'll all review the transcript because maybe not all of them were on the in-person interview or they didn't get to hear from our client directly. 

[00:01:06] Jasmine: So this allows them to kind of all collaborate in the system, make notes on the transcriptions to say, this is great, we should make sure we use this story, or this is a really good quote that we should incorporate and really focus in on them talking about. So we really use it to have it, to help with our rapid response to make sure that we're getting back to clients in a timely manner. 

[00:01:31] Jasmine: Our team members who really use this tool on a day-to-day basis, they are kind of scattered in different locations or they're often traveling. So it's a really great central location that they can easily revisit, they can easily put notes in, and they can collaborate in that space. 

[00:01:49] Jasmine: And I think the Story Builder function was one of the things that we also really liked with providing kind of a fast and easy way to organize information and get everything together and then get moving. 

[00:02:00] Jasmine: They would put, they would do several interviews with the client to help with, you know, the speech or prep or whatever we were doing with that client. And it was an easy way for them to comb through those transcripts, find themes, stories, examples, and like how those were illustrated. 

[00:02:19] Jasmine: So that was something that was really, really helpful to a lot of our team members and just being able to rapidly respond and take a lot of content and find the most important pieces. 

[00:02:33] Jasmine: For us confidentiality is super important and it's important for us as a firm, it's something that we take very seriously. So we wanted to make sure that when we're kind of using a transcription service that they have the same kind of security layers as we did as we wanted to see. So that was something that really drove our decision to partner with Trint. This is our security standards, this is the layers we have in place, that was super important for us.

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