Advice for students: 5 reasons to record lectures

It's impossible to remember everything that's said during a lecture. Here are 5 ways recording lectures will help you remember the information at test time.
March 28, 2019

Being a student isn't always a walk in the park. Between the partying, the socializing and those first steps out into the big wide world, there's a lot of pressure on you to study and succeed as best you can. First-timers need all the advice for students they can get when heading off to college - you're not in high school anymore.

Let's be real: students spend most of their time strapped for cash and rushed off their feet. There are lectures to go to, libraries to do homework in and, of course, the social calendar that's just as important as getting a 4.0. All these pressures can add up, and if  aren't taking good notes during lectures, you're not maximizing your learning by being a productive researcher. And that means more gruelling study hours.

You'll find tips for students at every turn when you're taking off to college, but below are the most important ones. Taking back control of your time at college can be as simple as getting to know your style of learning, and adapting your studies to complement it. Some people are bad at note-taking, and others learn better visually or aurally, so spending the lecture with their pen furiously working away on paper isn't going to get them a good result. For these people, recording lectures will completely change the way they approach their college study.


Why should you record lectures? Here are five key reasons:


Boost your focus

This is a really important piece of advice for students: it's really hard to focus on what the professor is saying if your face is buried in a notebook, furiously trying to keep up by writing down notes. You need full focus to absorb what the lecturer is saying, and trying to learn second-hand from scribbled notes days or weeks later just isn't a good way to learn. By recording lectures, you'll be able to fully focus on the session, comfortable in the knowledge that you'll have all the information ready to review later.


Optimize the way you learn for the way your brain works


Don't miss a thing

No matter how skilled you are at note-taking, you're never going to capture everything you need. Lectures are fast-paced and in-depth, and trying to write down everything is impossible. Recording lectures will ensure you don't miss anything important; plus, being able to listen to it back, transcribe lectures to review on-screen or organize your collection of notes is essential to your success. Missing out on vital information isn't an option if you want to maximize your learning, so grab a recording device and pay attention. This tip for students is one you can't afford to miss out on.


Learn your own way

There is a range of different learning styles - not everyone learns the most information by watching a series of slides on a subject. If you learn best aurally, recording lectures is a great way to adapt the subject to your unique learning style. What's more, visual learners will benefit from a transcript of your recording and verbal learners will boost their learning ability by being able to hear and see the teaching language when they need to. Lecture transcription software from Trint comes in handy here: it uses automation and AI to produce a transcript of your recording in minutes. Don't waste time manually transcribing your lectures; work smarter, not harder.


Optimize your learning process

Recording and transcribing lectures using Trint's powerful platform automatically creates searchable notes in minutes. This helps you optimize your learning - searching through hours of lecture notes for all mentions of Shakespeare when you're preparing for a British literature exam is now incredibly simple. Searching for key terms and exporting the highlights of your lecture recordings for your core study material will boost your productivity and take your studying to new heights. Even the Bard himself can't argue with this student tip.


Student tip - increase focus by recording lectures and learning later


Take it all in

Most of the information we come across disappears from memory straight away: research shows we have to work to retain that information and commit it to long-term memory. Unfortunately for most of us, information we hear once isn't likely to stay with us, but reading notes multiple times helps store the information for longer. Recording your lectures and creating automated academic transcripts with Trint provides a written version of the aural information, which is much easier to review as many times as it takes to commit it to memory.


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