Speech-to-text 101: what is a transcriber?

Understand what is a transcriber and why automated transcription is faster, better and more secure. We share how you can create better content in less time.
August 5, 2020

Whether you're a journalist reporting in the field, a marketer sending out internal comms or an editor captioning videos, transcription helps to capture important moments. Knowing the difference between manual and automated transcription will help you choose the best option for your workflows.


What is a transcriber?


What is a transcriber?

A transcriber is someone who makes a handwritten or hand typed copy of either live or recorded spoken content. In short, they convert speech to text. A bit like Trint. Just without the automated transcription and speedy turn around.

Manual transcription services use professional human transcribers to create a written record of the audio or video. Transcribers can also be used for text-to-text services, converting, for example, PDFs into word documents.

While human transcribers are generally considered to be more accurate when it comes to specialized terminology, they can't compete with the simplicity, cost or security of automated transcription. For every minute of audio, it can take up to four minutes for a human to transcribe and when you're paying up to $5 per minute, every second counts.


What is automated transcription?

Automated transcription, like Trint, uses speech recognition software to automatically convert audio and video to text. Automated transcription outperforms manual transcription for speed, collaboration, security and cost.


What is automated transcription?


Why is it important to transcribe your spoken content?


If your audio or video isn't searchable it limits its potential distribution. With transcripts, that spoken content is now searchable and shareable.

Transcripts can be indexed by search engines like Google, meaning your audio and video files can now rank for high-performing keywords. As transcripts tend to be lengthy texts, they often include a wealth of keywords, so posting your video alongside the full transcript can help your content scale SERPs. Plus, downloading the speech as text will allow you to add backlinks, a crucial aspect of any SEO strategy.

Content creation

Transcripts can double up as new content and are easily repurposed for blogs, articles, social media posts, thought pieces or security papers. Serializing your transcript speeds up your content creation, giving it a greater ROI and a wider outreach.


Over 5% of the world's population has disabling hearing loss, making audio and video content inaccessible. With so much audio and video content coming at us, millions of people are being excluded everyday. Captioning your spoken content and sharing transcripts not only opens up your content to a wider audience, increasing potential distribution, it improves inclusion.


Unlock content with transcription


Unlocking your content

Understanding what is a transcriber will help you decide which option is best for your transcription needs. If you're transcribing specialized terminology, human transcribers can pick up phrases more easily, but with Trint's Vocab Builder, you can add custom words for improved accuracy.

Trint's transcription software lets you seamlessly access your content and easily find the important moments. Tapping in the power of Trint's A.I. means speedy content creation with (almost) instant transcription.


Unlock the power of the spoken word with Trint.Start your trial now.



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