What does the rise in collaboration mean for the future of journalism?

The new era of journalism demands more integrity and accountability than ever before. Read how collaboration changes the way journalists tell stories.
July 9, 2019

Newsrooms go head to head to be first, to be factual and to be held in good esteem. Competition was built into the fabric of journalism for centuries - journalists are always competing for the biggest scoop, the best sources and the biggest audiences.

We live in a collaborative age now, though, which is causing a shift in the world of journalism. Is news still competitive? Or are we about to live in a world where journalists collaborate for the sake of the truth?

What with the rise in 'fake news,' the spread of misinformation from sources we know and trust, and some questionable ethics in newsrooms around the world, journalism isn't exactly in its golden era. There's a lack of trust in news at both a local and national level. But in a time of such unrest across the world, it's more important than ever to build trust in journalism by providing reliable reporting that's rooted in the truth. After all, the news is supposed to tell us the truth, right?

We need collaborative journalism.

Thanks to digital disruption and the technological revolution, we're living in a world of automation. Technology has changed the business world beyond recognition and the newsroom is no different. Teams can now collaborate seamlessly on stories, videos and newscasts without being confined by physical geography thanks to automated platforms; media workflows are a lot easier to manage in this new age. 


Collaboration for journalists helps fight fake news allegations


But collaboration shouldn't be confined to one business in the world of journalism. The rise in collaboration could be the key to winning the war on fake news. How? Collaboration that spans newsrooms around the world.

In the war on fake news, journalists now more than ever have to double down on their integrity and do as much as they can to restore trust in their readers, viewers, listeners and browsers.

Rogue journalists can say just about anything. They can report on local events with bias without being checked and reviewed. Some biased news outlets will spin the news to make sure it fits their narrative, but there's no place for this in the modern-day newsroom. Today's age demands that journalists across all mediums and geographies work together to create a respectable news sphere.


What is collaborative journalism? 

It's as much a concept as it is a way of working: collaborative journalism is the idea that collaboration between journalists from all walks of life will make for a more trustworthy and accountable news source. Reliability is essential in the news world for the future of journalism to be accurate. A collaborative approach to journalism allows journalists to share data, audience insights and sources with past competitors to boost reach, engagement and audience sentiment.

To foster this collaborative approach to journalism, the collaboration has to begin at home, so to speak. Journalists who can't be collaborative in-house aren't likely to be successful at collaborating across borders, so it's key to nurture major collaborative skills within your team before attempting a broader approach. 

How can journalists be more collaborative? With a little help from technology, of course.


Journalists in the field can use collaborative software to make the news cycle faster


Collaborative tools for journalists

Sharing resources, insights and expertise across your team creates strong work that stands out from the crowd. Collaboration lets your team break stories that have been peer reviewed by experts and founded on genuine knowledge, thanks to collaborative tools. Investing in platforms will boost your team's output, productivity and efficiency.


Start the conversation

In the newsroom, conversation is the key to trustworthy reporting that's also entertaining and reliable. Peer review of stories and newscasts helps your team produce their best work, and journalists working together on projects need a real-time chat tool to discuss events as they unfold. Slack is a popular chat tool that allows individuals and teams to collaborate and have discussion instantly, from anywhere.


Support remote workers and reporters in the field with conference calling

Flexible working and reporting on-location often takes journalists out of the office, but that doesn't mean they should be cut off from important meetings. Conference calling software like Zoom allows journalists to dial into meetings from anywhere, at any time. This is an invaluable tool for reporters in the field as they relay information to copywriters and newscasters at base camp.


Give your team the gift of time

In journalism time is everything. Breaking news stories fade fast, and keeping pace with an always-on culture of instant news means even a few moments' delay can be critical. Invest in collaborative platforms that give time back to your team, like Trint. Transcription for journalists is time and resource-intensive - taking advantage of the powers of automation and AI, and putting your transcription projects into the (digital) hands of tech is good practice for journalists. Captions and subtitles are a central part of everyday reporting - keep things running smoothly with Trint.

See more ways Trint is changing the way journalists work, or try Trint today for free.




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